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Harlem Eubank
Harlem Eubank




UD 8
TKO 11
UD 10
UD 10


5' 8" / 173 cm
68.1" / 173 cm
Orthodox (R)

Full record


Harlem Eubank profile

What is Harlem Eubank's Record?

Harlem Eubank's record currently stands at 20 wins, 0 losses, and 0 draws. He is currently undefeated in a total of 20 contests. Of those 20 wins, he has stopped 8 of his opponents, so his current knock-out ratio is 40%. He's boxed a total of 124 rounds, meaning his professional fights last 6.2 rounds on average.

When was his last fight and how active is he?

Harlem Eubank's last fight took place against Nurali Erdogan on November 22, 2024, in Newcastle, United Kingdom. He won by in the 8th round. That fight was 1 day ago.

Eubank's last 5 fights have come over a period of 2 years, 3 months and 23 days, which means he has been fighting approximately every 5 months and 18 days. In those fights, he fought a total of 46 rounds, meaning that they have lasted 9.2 rounds on average.

How Old Is Harlem Eubank And Where Is he From?

The welterweight is currently 31 years old. He was born on February 23, 1993, so he will turn 32 in 3 months.

Eubank was born in the United Kingdom.

How long has Eubank been fighting?

Harlem Eubank made his professional debut in May 2017, so he has been a pro for 7 years and 5 months.

How tall is Eubank, What is his Reach And Which Stance Does he Use?

Eubank is 5' 8" tall, which is 173cm. His reach is 68.1 inches, which is 173 cm. Eubank fights from a traditional orthodox stance, which means he favours his right hand as his power hand when fighting.

What are some potential opponents for Harlem Eubank?

Some potential future fights for Eubank include Conor Benn, Dalton Smith and Adam Azim.

What will be Harlem Eubank's Next Fight And Where Can I Watch It?

Harlem Eubank doesn't currently have a fight scheduled.

Some potential future fights for Eubank include Conor Benn, Dalton Smith and Adam Azim.

In the UK you can usually stream Eubank's fights on Freeview Player.

What are some recent Harlem Eubank results?

Eubank remains undefeated as a professional, stopping 2 of his last 5 opponents.

In his last fight, he defeated Nurali Erdogan on November 22, 2024, by in the 8th round at Walker Activity Dome, Newcastle, United Kingdom.

Prior to that, he had defeated Timo Schwarzkopf on November 10, 2023, by technical knockout in the 11th round at Brighton Centre, Brighton.

Going into that contest, he had beaten Ishmael Ellis on July 21, 2023, by technical knockout in the 6th round at Meadowbank Sports Centre, Edinburgh.

Before that, he had won against Miguel Cesario Antin on March 31, 2023, by unanimous decision in their 10 round contest at York Hall, Bethnal Green.

He had beaten Tom Farrell on November 25, 2022, by unanimous decision in their 10 round contest at York Hall, Bethnal Green.

Harlem Eubank Stats
AgeDate Of BirthNationalityHeightReachStanceWeight Division
31February 23, 1993United Kingdom173 cm173 cmorthodoxWelterweight (147 lb)
Harlem Eubank Record
Professional RecordWinsWins By KOKnockout PercentageLossesLosses By StoppageDrawsPro RoundsDebut
Harlem Eubank Recent Contests
2024-11-22Nurali ErdoganWon ( UD 8)Walker Activity Dome, Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
2023-11-10Timo SchwarzkopfWon (TKO 11)Brighton Centre, Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom
2023-07-21Ishmael EllisWon (TKO 6)Meadowbank Sports Centre, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
2023-03-31Miguel Cesario AntinWon (UD 10)York Hall, Bethnal Green, London, United Kingdom
2022-11-25Tom FarrellWon (UD 10)York Hall, Bethnal Green, United Kingdom
2022-07-30Eliot ChavezWon (DQ 9)Vertu Motors Arena, Newcastle, United Kingdom
2022-05-13Sean DoddWon (KO 2)Indigo at The O2, London, United Kingdom
2022-02-11Viorel SimionWon (TKO 5)Production Park Studios, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
2021-10-16Nika NakashidzeWon (TKO 5)Latvia

Harlem Eubank's next fight

When is Harlem Eubank's Next Fight?

Harlem Eubank doesn't currently have a fight scheduled.

Some potential future fights for Eubank include Conor Benn, Dalton Smith and Adam Azim.

Harlem Eubank news

Harlem Eubank results

Harlem Eubank's Potential Fights

Harlem Eubank streams

How can I stream Harlem Eubank's Fights?

In the UK you can usually stream Eubank's fights on Freeview Player.

Harlem Eubank tickets

Where can I get Harlem Eubank tickets?

We couldn't find any ticket details for Harlem Eubank at the moment.


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