Puerto Rico flag
Thomas Dulorme
Thomas Dulorme




KO 1
UD 12
UD 12
UD 10


5' 10" / 178 cm
70.1" / 178 cm
Orthodox (R)

Full record


Thomas Dulorme profile

What is Thomas Dulorme's Record?

Thomas Dulorme's record currently stands at 26 wins, 7 losses, and 1 draw. Of those 26 wins, he has stopped 17 of his opponents, so his current knock-out ratio is 65%. Of his 7 losses, he's been stopped 4 times. He's boxed a total of 187 rounds, meaning his professional fights last 5.5 rounds on average.

When was his last fight and how active is he?

Thomas Dulorme's last fight took place against Vergil Ortiz Jr on April 27, 2024, in Fresno, United States. He lost by knockout in the 1st round. That fight was 10 months and 25 days ago.

Dulorme's last 5 fights have come over a period of 5 years, 6 months and 21 days, meaning he has been fighting on average every 1 year, 1 month and 10 days. In those fights, he fought a total of 47 rounds, meaning that they have lasted 9.4 rounds on average.

How Old Is Thomas Dulorme And Where Is he From?

The super welterweight is currently 35 years old. He was born on January 29, 1990, so he will turn 36 in 10 months and 5 days.

Dulorme was born in Puerto Rico.

How long has Dulorme been fighting?

Thomas Dulorme made his professional debut in August 2008, so he has been a pro for 16 years and 7 months.

How tall is Dulorme, What is his Reach And Which Stance Does he Use?

Dulorme is 5' 10" tall, which is 178cm. His reach is 70.1 inches, which is 178 cm. Dulorme fights from a traditional orthodox stance, which means he favours his right hand as his power hand when fighting.

What will be Thomas Dulorme's Next Fight And Where Can I Watch It?

Thomas Dulorme doesn't currently have a fight scheduled.

In the UK you can usually stream Dulorme's fights on DAZN UK.

In the US you can usually stream Thomas Dulorme's fights via DAZN.

What are some recent Thomas Dulorme results?

Thomas Dulorme has beaten 1 of his last 5 opponents.

In his last fight, he lost to Vergil Ortiz Jr on April 27, 2024, by knockout in the 1st round at Save Mart Arena, Fresno, United States.

Prior to that, he had been beaten by Jaron ‘Boots’ Ennis on October 30, 2021, by technical knockout in the 1st round at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Nevada.

Going into that contest, he had lost to Eimantas Stanionis on April 10, 2021, by unanimous decision in their 12 round contest at Mohegan Sun Casino, Connecticut.

Before that, he had been beaten by Jamal James on August 8, 2020, by unanimous decision in their WBA Interim World Welterweight championship fight at Microsoft Theater, California.

He had defeated Terrel Williams on September 21, 2019, by unanimous decision in their 10 round contest at Rabobank Theater, California.

Thomas Dulorme Stats
AgeDate Of BirthNationalityHeightReachStanceWeight Division
35January 29, 1990Puerto Rico178 cm178 cmorthodoxSuper Welterweight (154 lb)
Thomas Dulorme Record
Professional RecordWinsWins By KOKnockout PercentageLossesLosses By StoppageDrawsPro RoundsDebut
Thomas Dulorme Recent Contests
2024-04-27Vergil Ortiz JrLost (KO 1)Save Mart Arena, Fresno, CA, United States
2021-10-30Jaron ‘Boots’ EnnisLost (TKO 1) watch replay Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Nevada, United States
2021-04-10Eimantas StanionisLost (UD 12) watch replay Mohegan Sun Casino, Connecticut, United States
2020-08-08Jamal JamesLost (UD 12) watch replay Microsoft Theater, California, United States
2019-09-21Terrel WilliamsWon (UD 10) watch replay Rabobank Theater, California, United States
2018-10-06Jessie VargasD (MD )Wintrust Arena, Illinois, United States
2017-08-26Yordenis UgasLost (UD 10)T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, United States
2016-06-18Jesus GurrolaWon (TKO 3)Pabellon de la Feria, Albacete, Spain
2015-04-18Terence CrawfordLost (TKO 6)University of Texas, Arlington, United States
2014-12-06Henry LundyWon (SD 10)Barclays Center, New York, United States
2014-03-29Karim MayfieldWon (UD 10)The Ballroom, Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, United States
2013-11-30Hector VelazquezWon (UD 8)Coliseo Guillermo Angulo, Carolina, Puerto Rico

Thomas Dulorme's next fight

When is Thomas Dulorme's Next Fight?

Thomas Dulorme doesn't currently have a fight scheduled.

Thomas Dulorme news

Thomas Dulorme results

Thomas Dulorme Potential Fights

Sorry, we don't know of any potential fights for Thomas Dulorme at the moment, why not send us some suggestions?

Thomas Dulorme streams

How can I stream Thomas Dulorme's Fights?

In the UK you can usually stream Dulorme's fights on DAZN UK.

In the US you can usually stream Thomas Dulorme's fights via DAZN.

Thomas Dulorme tickets

Where can I get Thomas Dulorme tickets?

We couldn't find any ticket details for Thomas Dulorme at the moment.


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