Heavyweight - Boxing’s glamour division was first created by Jack Broughton in 1738, with fighters weighing in at 160+ lb / 72.57+ kg. Since the division has no weight limit, fighters could theoretically weigh as much as they want and fight at heavyweight.
The weight at which a fighter is considered a heavyweight would be modified a few times in the following years, namely in 1920 by the New York Walker Law to 175+ lb, 190+ lb by the WBC in 1979 and finally by the WBC, WBA and IBF together to the present day weight of 200+ lb.
The inaugural heavyweight champion was legendary John L. Sullivan, who defeated Jim Corbett on September 7, 1892. The modern version of the title was first won in 1962 by Floyd Patterson as the WBA world heavyweight championship. The WBC sanctioned their first heavyweight world title fight the following year, the IBF in 1983, and the WBO in 1989. American boxer Joe Louis holds the longest title reign with 25 title defenses.
Notable heavyweight champions throughout history: John L. Sullivan, Bob Fitzsimmons, Jack Johnson, Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Muhammad Ali, Joe Fraizer, Larry Holmes, George Foreman, Larry Holmes, Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Vitali Klitschko, Wladimir Klitschko, Tyson Fury, Deontay Wilder, Anthony Joshua.